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Ärimeedialehel külastusi - 59; jälgijaid - 0. Arvustusi - 1; Artikleid 1+ "Kirjuta ENDURAE VOICE TECHNOLOGY kohta arvamuslugu!"


Juba 59 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding aga tema tegevusi ei jälgi ükski kasutaja. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 3,0 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.

Tegevusaruanne 2022

Endurae Voice Technology OÜ (EVT) was founded in September 2018. It is an e-Residency company and its management headquarters are located in Barcelona, Spain.

EVT is an educational technology company and operates as a learning experience design studio and consultancy. EVT offers a series of services for several types of organisations: it works with academic institutions on Research & Development projects, it offers services to commercial entities and participates in consortia and proposals for EU-funded projects, such as Horizon and Erasmus+.

At the same time, EVT develops its signature product, Interveu, an AI-based solution for training and improving professional communication skills.

In 2022 EVT has managed to surpass all of its targets in extending its network of collaborators & partnerships, and developing its technology product, Interveu. EVT was selected and successfully finished two EdTech acceleration programs, broadening its relationships with key stakeholders and investors in the EU EdTech landscape, and creating growth opportunities. Interveu has been highly esteemed by both experts in the EdTech field, as well as by actual learners who participated in its pilots, and received recognition by being shortlisted in major EdTech awards. In parallel, EVT maintained its commitment to implement best practices in learning design also for an EU Erasmus+ project and for academic clients.

EVT has a skilled team in Barcelona and London, dedicated to achieving the company’s goals. EVT remains committed to building a responsible, sustainable and profitable business for the long term.



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