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Business media and news feed
Metal industry, organisation of lorries, reduction of fuel costs, organisation of vehicles outside europe, proof of vehicles outside europe, technical work, compliance with the requirements of the enterprise, non-european vehicle control, proof of lorries, loading of ships


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Already 12,803 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 21 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.8 points ja kommenteeritud 1 kord.

's activity report 2022

OÜ Suurekivi Energia was established on 04.01.2011. The company provided transportation and loader services at the Sillamäe port during the reporting year. In 2022, 25.2% of sales revenue was from pellet sales - goods purchased for sale. The sales revenue for the reporting period was 1,660,711 euros and the net profit was 41,097 euros.

During the reporting period, machinery and equipment were purchased for a total of 174,408 euros, including 53,000 euros by leasing.

The company had an average of 16 employees during the reporting year. Salaries together with social tax amounted to 228,180 euros. The board member was paid a fee of 9,527 euros.

In 2023, the company will continue the same main activity.

Ratios: 2021 2022

Net profitability (net profit / sales revenue) 2.7% 2.5%

ROE (net profit / equity) 5.6% 5.2%

ROA (net profit / assets) 4.4% 3.8%

Mati Miil

Board member


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Mari P.

Olen kasutanud nende teenuseid mitu korda ja nad on alati olnud usaldusväärsed ning täitnud oma kohustused täpselt. Mulle meeldib nende teenuste mitmekülgsus.

- Hannes K.

Nende rasketehnika tööd on olnud minu ehitusprojektide jaoks hindamatuks abiks. Kvaliteetne ja professionaalne teenus, mis on alati õigeaegne ja usaldusväärne."

- Kairi T.

Nende laadungikäitlusteenus on aidanud meil optimeerida meie tootmisprotsesse ja säästa aega ning ressursse. Suurepärane partner, kes on alati valmis aitama.


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