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Business media page visits - 5388; followers - 6. Reviews - 4; Articles 10+ "Write an opinion on MUSTAMÄE SPA OÜ!"

MUSTAMÄE SPA OÜ's activity report 2022

Overview of the company's activities OÜ Mustamäe Spa was established on May 17, 2018. The main areas of activity of the company are the provision of water and sauna center services and beauty and wellness services. The trademark of OÜ Mustamäe Spa is Elamusspa, under which name its products are sold and marketed. The main customer of Elamusspa has become local residents. Although we have been open for a short time, we have gained noticeable recognition among foreign visitors. The activity of Mustamäe Spa OÜ can be considered seasonal. The peak season in our climate zone is eight dark


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VIDEO! Miks rahvusvahelised Aufgussi saunameistrid teevad seda, mida nad teevad?

Elamus SPA saunameistrid Johanna Jakobson ja Karl-Peeter Kangur käisid septembris Saksamaal Eestit tutvustamas Aufgussi saunameistrite maailmameistrivõistlusel.

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