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Business media page visits - 1273; followers - 46. Reviews - 4; Articles 1+ "Write an opinion on WOOD PRODUCT TRADING!"


Already 1,273 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 46 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.3 points but has not been commented.

's activity report 2022

The main activity of Wood Product Trading OÜ is the mediation of sawn timber, wood boards and plywood from Ukraine to various countries in both Europe and Asia. If in 2021 the demand for sawn timber increased dramatically, especially in the Asian market, there has been some decline in 2022.

This year, plywood sales increased.

The company's articles of association were amended on 30.09.2022 and according to this, the financial year period is from October 1 to September 30. As a result, this report reflects the results of 9 months and the average monthly turnover has not decreased. In 2021, it was 3,885 thousand euros, based on this report 4,002 thousand euros.

Due to the war in Ukraine, both land and sea transport costs have increased, container loading takes place from different ports due to the war situation - in addition to Odessa also through Romanian and Polish ports.

The board estimates that the company's operations are ongoing and the impact of the war in Ukraine on it is minimal.

At the end of the year, the company employed 3 people, including 1 board member, who was paid a salary of 29 thousand euros.

Main financial ratios were: 2022 2021

Turnover (thousand euros) 36,018 46,623

Net profit (thousand euros) 3,022 1,475

Net profitability of turnover 8% 3%

Net profitability of assets 28% 34%

Net profitability of equity 100% 100%

General level of solvency 136% 147%

Proportion of borrowed capital 73% 66%

Net profitability of turnover (net profit / net turnover x 100)

Net profitability of assets (net profit / assets x 100)

Net profitability of equity (net profit / equity x 100)

General level of solvency (current assets / short-term liabilities x 100)

Proportion of borrowed capital (liabilities / assets x 100)



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