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The year 2015 was record-breaking for this company, winning the largest procurement -

ÄRIPÄEV AS: Public Procurement



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The year 2015 was record-breaking for this company, winning the largest procurement - "Arvutikoolitus eesti keeles" - to date with the total value at 269 050 euros. But the company did not rest on its laurels, they kept putting in the effort and the turnover for 2015 eclipsed all earlier years.

On average, one public contract supplies approximately 1/52 of ÄRIPÄEV AS's turnover. The loss of income from public contracts would not affect turnover much but no doubt it would keep the company on its toes.

ÄRIPÄEV AS has bid in public procurements 29 times to secure winning contracts.

The company is a solid business partner to the state that pays more taxes to the State Treasury in a year than has received in sales turnover from all of its public contracts over time. Like a top-of-the-class student, this company has never in its history failed on its tax and reporting obligations. Neither has it swindled its business partners.

#Harjumaa #Kirjastus #Internet

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