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Loorberitele puhkama ei jäädud, ka muud tööd tehti sama suure hooga ja 2019. aasta käive panigi varasematele pika puuga ära.Hanke osakaal moodustas POLÜMARK OÜ 

POLÜMARK OÜ: Riigihangete lugu



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Loorberitele puhkama ei jäädud, ka muud tööd tehti sama suure hooga ja 2019. aasta käive panigi varasematele pika puuga ära.

Hanke osakaal moodustas POLÜMARK OÜ käibest aga tervelt 64%! Seda on väga palju ja riigihankest saadava sissetuleku ära langemine annaks firma käibele ilmselt surmahoobi.

Sestap on täiesti mõistetav ka ettevõtte aktiivsus hangetel – POLÜMARK OÜ on üldse riigihangetel osalenud (teinud pakkumisi) 1 korral. Arvestades riigihangetega kaasnevat bürokraatiat, röövib see ilmselt muu rahateenimise arvelt palju aega.

Tegu on seejuures igati väärika partneriga riigile, kes keskmiselt maksab riigikassasse makse 24,3% riigihankel osalemisest saadud müügikäibe suhtes. Nagu oma klassi oivik, ei ole see ettevõte oma ajaloos jätnud täitmata ei maksu- ega aruandluskohustusi, ega jätnud äripartnereid pika ninaga.


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POLÜMARK OÜ tegevusaruanne 2022

OÜ Polümark, mis on tuntud oma trükiseadmete ja lisaseadmete müügi ning hoolduse poolest, alustas oma tegevust juba 1992. aastal. Sellest ajast alates on ettevõ
OÜ Polümark, mis on tuntud oma trükiseadmete ja lisaseadmete müügi ning hoolduse poolest, alustas oma tegevust juba 1992. aastal. Sellest ajast alates on ettevõte pidevalt kasvanud ja laienenud, pakkudes oma klientidele kvaliteetseid tooteid ja teenuseid. Ettevõtte põhitegevus on trükiseadmete ja nende lisaseadmete müük ja hooldus. See hõlmab mitmesuguseid tooteid, alates lihtsatest trükimasinatest kuni keerukate trükisüsteemideni, mis on mõeldud suuremahuliseks tootmiseks. Lisaks pakub OÜ Polümark ka seadmete hooldust, tagades seeläbi, et kliendi seadmed töötavad alati tõrgeteta ja tõhusalt.

Transforming Your printing business with Polymark OÜ's offset and digital printing solutions

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it's important for printing businesses to stay competitive and adapt to new technologies and trends.
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it's important for printing businesses to stay competitive and adapt to new technologies and trends. One of the ways to stay ahead of the competition is to invest in the right printing technology and solutions. At Polymark OÜ, we offer a wide range of offset and digital printing solutions that can transform your printing business. Our products are designed to meet the specific needs of your business, whether you're a small business looking to increase efficiency or a larger enterprise looking to improve production capacity. Offset

Maximizing your printing efficiency: Tips and tools for the graphic arts Industry

In today's fast-paced business environment, maximizing printing efficiency is essential for any printing company to stay competitive and profitable. With advanc
In today's fast-paced business environment, maximizing printing efficiency is essential for any printing company to stay competitive and profitable. With advancements in technology, new tools and strategies are emerging that can help companies streamline their operations, increase productivity, and reduce costs. One way to maximize printing efficiency is to automate workflow. Automation can help reduce manual labor, minimize errors, and increase productivity. With cloud-based solutions, businesses can streamline their workflow, access files from anywhere, and collaborate with their team in

Who are we and what do we do?

In the ever-evolving landscape of the printing industry, one company has stood the test of time and carved a niche for itself as a leader in providing top-notch
In the ever-evolving landscape of the printing industry, one company has stood the test of time and carved a niche for itself as a leader in providing top-notch printing solutions. Meet POLYMARK, a company that has been at the forefront of the graphic arts industry in the Baltic States since its inception in 1992. A legacy of excellence Founded nearly three decades ago, POLYMARK has grown from its humble beginnings to become a prominent player in the printing sector. Operating across Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, the company has established its presence by offering a wide range of


POLYMARK was founded in 1992 and has developed into a group operating in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Offset, flexo, screen or digital printining from reel or
POLYMARK was founded in 1992 and has developed into a group operating in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Offset, flexo, screen or digital printining from reel or sheets? We provide service to printing businesses in pre-press, press and post press areas of expertise. Our team is focused on machinery, consumables and after sales service. With three warehouses in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius we are able to deliver necessary goods to the customers quickly and flexibly. We are ready for all types of your inquiries and challenges that would help you to improve production of prints. Mission: We are here

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