Ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
We adhere to high corporate standards in both coding and business ethics. We are experienced specialists, and we don’t hire people until we’re sure of their rel

Our Benefits - MODUS OÜ

We adhere to high corporate standards in both coding and business ethics. We are experienced specialists, and we don’t hire people until we’re sure of their reliability. We are honest about problems that arise during development and inform our clients about the boundaries of our competence.

We take a systemic approach to development. We solve problems in a comprehensive, universal manner. We build competent application architectures that will be easily scalable in the future.

We’re always in touch, but we’re also able to independently explore all possibilities when realizing the task at hand. We make the right decisions with minimal information. We make the case for our solutions and chosen implementation methods, explaining why we made the choices we made, what we’re doing, and how we’re doing it.

We respect our Clients and carefully guard commercial secrets. We can guarantee the confidentiality of our participation in your project. We provide technical support to end users under theclient’s brand. We keep our code secure.

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MODUS OÜ tegevusaruanne 2022

Modus OÜ on Eesti kapitalil põhinev tarkvaraarendusettevõte, mis on oma jälje jätnud IT-sektorisse alates selle asutamisest 2000. aastal. Täielikult Eesti kapit
Modus OÜ on Eesti kapitalil põhinev tarkvaraarendusettevõte, mis on oma jälje jätnud IT-sektorisse alates selle asutamisest 2000. aastal. Täielikult Eesti kapitalil põhinev ettevõte on spetsialiseerunud kohandatud tarkvaraarendusele, pakkudes oma klientidele võimalusi äriprotsesside automatiseerimiseks ja digitaliseerimiseks. Modus OÜ on tuntud oma võimekuse poolest arendada ettevõtte tasemel süsteeme, mis hõlmavad intensiivset töötlemist ja suurte andmemahtude salvestamist. Lisaks on nad loonud mitmeid väikeseid mobiili- ja veebirakendusi era- ja avalikule sektorile. Modus OÜ põhitegevus on

Our Services - MODUS OÜ

Custom Application Development for Web and Windows Desktop  Designing and developing attractive, functional classic applications that run well on Windows, inclu
Custom Application Development for Web and Windows Desktop Designing and developing attractive, functional classic applications that run well on Windows, including enterprise software products. Web and Windows Desktop Integration Integrating Web services with desktop applications or Windows to automate processes and ensure interoperability across platforms and subsystems. Microsoft Office Add-ins Development Creating add-ins for Microsoft Office applications and adding new consumer- and enterprise-level features integrated into the standard interface. Maintenance

Custom Software Development Services - MODUS OÜ

Modus is an IT company based in Tallinn, Estonia that was founded in 2000. We develop classic Windows applications, Windows Shell integration, specialized web-b
Modus is an IT company based in Tallinn, Estonia that was founded in 2000. We develop classic Windows applications, Windows Shell integration, specialized web-based services based on ASP.NET, and add-ins for Microsoft Office. More than half of our portfolio is currently comprised of ERP and ECM systems for corporate customers, and we also help major IT companies develop these systems. The rest of our portfolio is made up of customized add-ins for Office (Outlook, Word, Excel). Office add-ins are plug-ins that help automate many of a business’s internal processes. Our clients include major IT

About company

  Modus is an IT company based in Tallinn, Estonia that was founded in 2000. We develop classic Windows applications, Windows Shell integration, specialized w
Modus is an IT company based in Tallinn, Estonia that was founded in 2000. We develop classic Windows applications, Windows Shell integration, specialized web-based services based on ASP.NET, and add-ins for Microsoft Office. More than half of our portfolio is currently comprised of ERP and ECM systems for corporate customers, and we also help major IT companies develop these systems. The rest of our portfolio is made up of customized add-ins for Office (Outlook, Word, Excel). Office add-ins are plug-ins that help automate many of a business’s internal processes. Our clients

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