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Juba 167 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 1 Storybooki kasutaja. Ettevõttele hinnanguid antud ei ole ja kommentaarid puuduv

FEMLENS MTÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 167 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 1 Storybooki kasutaja. Ettevõttele hinnanguid antud ei ole ja kommentaarid puuduvad samuti.

Tegevusaruanne 2022


Founded in 2015 as a volunteer driven organisation by the photographer Jekaterina Saveljeva, femLENS works as a capacity builder delivering free workshops to teach women – especially women and girls from economically and culturally diverse backgrounds – documentary photography techniques to tell stories visually by using cameras and the easily available tools such as mobile phones and other cheaper alternatives.

We believe that everyone in society should be accountable for promoting a culture of equality of the sexes and their representation within the media industry and the culture in the world, everyone and especially women.

We aim to empower women to create and share their stories.


EDUCATE – create educational opportunities for women.

INSPIRE – create lifelong learners by teaching a skill which is universally applicable.

EMPOWER – create leaders by empowering women and coaching them in leadership skills.

INCLUDE – work with women from all backgrounds.

COMMUNICATE – provide tools that encourage self expression, healing, growth, and development.


This annual report for the period January 2022 to December 2022 seeks to highlight the work and the achievements of this past year.


August 2022 marks seven years that the nonprofit association, femLENS, has empowered women to tell their stories through documentary photography.

femLENS’ primary objective is to help women believe that their perspective is important, inspiring them to find the courage to develop their own voice through visual expression. The hope is not only to give the participants a platform, but also to embolden women to carry that courage into other aspects of their lives. femLENS shares this mission through workshops, exhibitions, publications and advocacy across the globe.

The organisation has achieved much since its inception seven years ago.

Since 2015, femLENS has trained over 100 women in thirteen countries.

We have worked with single mothers in Ireland, women with physical disabilities in Poland, female refugees in Lebanon and women vulnerable to human trafficking in Ukraine. We held several workshops in Germany, workshop with teenage girls in Estonia, online workshop with Palestinian women living in Israel, online workshop with women from Mexico, England and Congo and online workshop with Russian speakers, online workshop with Cameroonian women in media and with women living in rural Ireland and Spain. We have also trained women in East Jerusalem. In the last two years we have been running a community project in Narva - the Narva meediaLAB, funded by the German embassy in Tallinn, works on media literacy, community media and promotion of media culture in


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