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Juba 48 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding aga tema tegevusi ei jälgi ükski kasutaja. Ettevõttele hinnanguid antud ei ole ja kommentaarid puuduvad sa


Juba 48 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding aga tema tegevusi ei jälgi ükski kasutaja. Ettevõttele hinnanguid antud ei ole ja kommentaarid puuduvad samuti.

Tegevusaruanne 2022

In 2022, the organization "Urissaare Green House" focused on developing opportunities for cultural leisure, community activities, and discovering its historical roots for the residents of Urissaare and the surrounding area. The main areas of activity for the organization included:

Consultation and advisory services: Providing expert support and services to other Estonian civic organizations in the field of project development and implementation aimed at improving the quality of life for local residents and regional development.

Promotion and development of ecological lifestyle: Creating and developing ecologically sustainable tourism routes focused on exploring and preserving the region's natural and cultural heritage. Investigating the detrimental impact of construction quarries on the lives of local residents and nature.

Support for retro car movement: Establishing infrastructure and organizing events dedicated to the history of the automotive industry, as well as promoting the restoration and preservation of historic cars.

Thanks to these diverse and targeted activities, Urissaare Green House has had a significant impact on the lives of residents in Urissaare and the surrounding area, contributing to the development and preservation of local traditions, culture, and natural values.

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