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Rekordiline oli ettevõtte jaoks aga aasta 2011, mil võideti kõige suuremas summas hange

SMC AUTOMATION OÜ: Riigihangete lugu



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Rekordiline oli ettevõtte jaoks aga aasta 2011, mil võideti kõige suuremas summas hange "Pneumaatika, elektropneumaatika ja hüdraulika õppeseadmete ostmine", kogumaksumusega 27 778 eurot.

Keskmiselt moodustab ühe võidetud hanke osakaal SMC AUTOMATION OÜ käibest 1/192. Riigihankest saadava sissetuleku ära langemine käibes väga hullusti tunda ei annaks, aga pingutama mujal sunniks ikka.

Kokku on SMC AUTOMATION OÜ nende võidetud hangete kohta üldse riigihangetel osalenud (teinud pakkumisi) 3 korda.

Tegu on seejuures igati väärika partneriga riigile, kes ise maksab aastas riigikassasse makse rohkem, kui on saanud müügikäivet kõikidest oma riigihangetel osalemistest kokku. Nagu oma klassi oivik, ei ole see ettevõte oma ajaloos jätnud täitmata ei maksu- ega aruandluskohustusi, ega jätnud äripartnereid pika ninaga.

#Harjumaa #MuudTarbijateTeenused #EhitusJaKinnisvara

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kõik artiklid

SMC\'s ZKJ vacuum manifold offers fieldbus compatibility for remote industrial equipment communication

General industrial equipment designers, manufacturers and maintainers can now benefit from the new SMC ZKJ vacuum manifold with PROFINET-enabled communication f
General industrial equipment designers, manufacturers and maintainers can now benefit from the new SMC ZKJ vacuum manifold with PROFINET-enabled communication for remotely controlling and monitoring manufacturing processes. The ZKJ also offers impressive suction flow rate taking its low air consumption and low power consumption specifications into account. Other features include valve protection functionality, IP65 rating and the ability to control up to 16 ejectors with a single manifold. PROFINET communication allows remote vacuum pressure operation, including monitoring the pressure values

New SMC valve offers higher performance and control in food plants

The new JSY5000-H valve manifold from SMC is purpose-designed for use in food and beverage manufacturing plants, as well as breweries. Featuring a clean design
The new JSY5000-H valve manifold from SMC is purpose-designed for use in food and beverage manufacturing plants, as well as breweries. Featuring a clean design to cope with regular wash-downs, the IP69K-compliant valve differentiates itself in the marketplace with its high flow rate, low power consumption and IO-Link point-to-point communication capability, bringing a new level of control to production. There are numerous prerequisites when it comes to adopting automation components such as pneumatic valves in equipment for food, beverage and brewery facilities. An IP69K protection rating,

SMC launches modular version of digital flow switch for large flow with integrated temperature and pressure sensors

One of the latest digital flow switches to join the SMC family, PF3A#H, monitors the consumption of the main line with a 100:1 ratio. It is IO-Link compatible,
One of the latest digital flow switches to join the SMC family, PF3A#H, monitors the consumption of the main line with a 100:1 ratio. It is IO-Link compatible, and it offers the possibility of being connected to air combination units in a simple way. And now, an even more complete solution can be obtained, thanks to the integrated pressure and temperature sensors. The PF3A8#H is one of the latest additions to SMC’s flow switch family that covers a large flow measurement range and features a clear and easy to read display, which is crucial in monitoring the main line, branch or specific

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